Summary of the year 2022 for Power Platform Universe

How has it started?


It started at the end of 2021 when I figured out I needed to do something more with my free time. I think I was wasting some time I could invest better – learning, exploring, and developing myself. There was another thought in my mind: I wanted to do courses. These two things pushed me to start doing something more productive with my time. And this is how I began Power Universe, you know, today. 

This is the summary of 2022 for Power Universe.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

It was though. I do everything you see here – alone. I didn’t hire or pay anyone to do this stuff for me. I learned how to do things for the Power Universe to live, breathe and be helpful to people who want to learn Power Platform. 

This is the 20th article on Power Universe so far. In 2022 I wrote 19 technical and soft articles regarding Power Platform – to help you develop your skills. But not only those technical ones, but soft ones as well!

With Power Apps Licensing ExplainedEnvironment variables overview, or Create and use Dataflows in Power Apps, you can develop your technical skills. There are many more articles regarding technicalities.

Soft articles help you grow your management and leadership skills. For example, 10 steps of a good IT Project estimation or Becoming A Mentor are articles summarizing my experience I wanted to share with you, so you can learn something new or structure your knowledge.

Those 19 articles were produced mainly between August and December – I consistently post around 3 – 4 posts per month. This is the pace I want to keep for the following year.

Was it worth it? And what is the plan for 2023?

Definitely yes 🙂

I learned tons of stuff regarding the technical part of running a blog and mailing list and Power Platform itself. In some cases, I was complimenting some knowledge gaps on Power Universe. I was running many, many tests, and I created many applications and configurations only for articles. This helped me grow as a Power Platform expert! This is one of the most precious things I’ve got from running Power Universe.

When I started this, this was one of my most important things. Learn and develop my Power Platform skills.

What is the plan for 2023?

The plan for 2023 is to keep posting more on Power Universe. As I said, I have written 19 articles so far here on Power Universe. I want to keep the pace of posting 3 articles per month, so at the end of the year 2023, here on Power Universe, you will be able to read not 19 but over 50 articles! It is going to be one of the best places for learning Power Platform in the entire Universe 😀 haha

I also have more plans for 2023, but writing articles will be my top priority.

Top 5 articles on Power Universe

I would like to share the 5 best articles I wrote for the Power Platform community! And Power Universe community as well!

This list is not only my opinion but yours as well! I rated those articles by measuring views and reading time per User, and finally, I got the results from the survey I posted on LinkedIn! Here we go with the summary!

Top 1

In this article, I am talking about delegation in Power Apps Canvas Apps. Many people don’t know delegation and don’t know how to implement their queries to avoid delegation problems. Here, I am showing how to deal with the delegation and how to plan and write your queries more efficiently.

Top 2

This is my favorite article here on Power Universe. It tells you about Power Apps licensing. I explain there the most crucial factors of the Power Apps licensing model. I did tons of testing, bought plans, and ran them on my tenant. I made many calculations and figured out the best practices for Power Apps licensing!

Top 3

This article explains how Power Apps and Figma work together. I created Power Apps Canvas App from Figma. I had many problems with this topic and needed to reimplement them twice 🙂 But finally, it worked. Check it out yourself; you will understand.

Top 4

This is one of those technical articles that focuses on one but is still a complex problem in Power Platform. Here I am taking a closer look at connections and connection references so you can know more about those!

Top 5

The final article on this list summarizes the most important Power Apps updates in 2022 Wave 1. There are many exciting topics and many new things to learn. Check it out if you didn’t already.

The full list of articles on Power Platform Universe

The final thing to show you is the full list of articles on Power Universe, so you can see if there is something you want to read! Check it out 🙂

Power Platform

Environment variables overview​

In this article I will tell you what are environment variables in Power Platform. We will describe how to use them and what are the best practices for environment variables.

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Power Pages

Introducing Power Pages

In this article I will walk you through this new Power Platform component and together we will check current capabilities and features of Power Pages.

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Power Apps

2021 – a little bit of a summary for Power Apps

This article is all about some summary for Power Apps, interesting past changes that Microsoft introduced in 2021. I choose 3 new components and I am going through them in this article for you to know more about the Power Apps innovations.

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This 2022 year was great. I created many articles that helped me grow my skills and helped you develop yours too! It was though and I had to invest houndrets hours to be here now, with 20 articles published we grew ourselves and we will grow even more next year 🙂 

Smarter every day with Power Universe! Happy 2023!

So, finally, we are at this point where I should thank you for your time and for reading this article. Feel free to rate this article and comment if you liked it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me (via, but first, you may be interested in joining a Newsletter. Hmm? (Sign up here) If you already did, wow, thanks, thanks a lot 🙂 

Via Newsletter, I am sharing insights of my work, plans for upcoming weeks, and knowledge about Power Platform Universe and the IT world. If you are interested, feel free to join! I am going to send the latest Newsletter to everyone who enters!

See you!

About the author

Daniel Ciećkiewicz


I am a Senior Power Platform Consultant focused on Dataverse, Power Apps, and Power Automate. I was also a Team Leader responsible for the Power Platform Team and their development paths. 

In my private life, I like video games, sports, learning & gaining knowledge, and a taste of good Scotch Whisky! 

Ooo, I almost forgot, I love our Polish Tatra Mountains!

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